Are you still shooting in auto mode? At that place's aught wrong with using the auto setting on your DSLR, but learning to utilise manual camera settings will give y'all more than command over your photos, allow you to shoot in all types of lighting conditions, and encourage you to shoot more than creatively.

DSLR settings are designed to give you lot, the photographer, ultimate control over how your camera captures images. The skilful news is that you don't have to acquire your digital photographic camera settings all at once. Y'all tin take it one step at a time to come across results. In this post, we're going to look at the 3 major camera settings — shutter speed, ISO, and aperture.

How to use transmission camera settings

While shooting in transmission mode on your camera may seem daunting, it actually merely takes an understanding of exposure and a lot of practice. The three settings discussed in this article make up what'southward commonly referred to as the exposure triangle. ISO, shutter speed, and aperture all are used to alter how much lite enters your camera's lens to properly expose a shot.

Photo of DSLR camera settings in manual mode

Switching to transmission mode on your camera

When your photographic camera is set to automatic modernistice, it reads the scene yous're shooting and makes adjustments to the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO to capture an accurately exposed photo. For the most function, your photographic camera does an first-class task choosing which settings to use for any given situation.

Manual way, by dissimilarity, allows you to to take artistic command of your photos. Changing merely one aspect of the exposure triangle allows you to shoot portraits with beautiful bokeh and a shallow depth-of-field, create motion blur when shooting waterfalls, freeze action when shooting wildlife or sporting events, and capture depression-light scenes with ease. How to really change your settings and use your camera in transmission mode will depend on your camera's make and model, so your homework is to read your camera'due south manual and effigy out how to manually arrange your settings.


Before you start experimenting in manual mode, brand sure y'all have a system for keeping your photo collection under control. As you acquire your camera's settings, you will likely take hundreds of photos. A indistinguishable finder like Gemini 2 for Mac volition let you easily get rid of unneeded similar shots that you have while trying various settings. Information technology's free to download, so go ahead and give information technology a endeavour.

ISO: Your camera's sensitivity to light

ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization. It's a governing body that standardizes sensitivity ratings for cameras. Adjusting the ISO setting on your camera will allow yous to shoot in different lighting conditions with ease, but depending on the size of your camera'southward sensor, adjusting to a college ISO may come up at a toll.

What is ISO?

The term ISO was carried over from the days of film cameras, when you had to buy a certain film speed, depending on what type of photos you were shooting. Cheers to digital applied science, film speed is a matter of the past, but we've kept ISO to enable photographers to adapt the photographic camera's sensitivity to light.

What ISO setting should I use?

This is the million-dollar question, and of course, the answer to which ISO camera setting you should use is: it depends. As a general rule, the darker your environment, the higher your ISO setting should be. Typical DSLR settings have an ISO sensitivity that ranges from 100, which is low sensitivity, to 12,000 or more than, which is highly sensitive.

Higher ISO settings will bear upon prototype quality, especially if you're shooting with a cropped sensor. A loftier ISO setting will ofttimes result in a noisy or grainy image, and it volition also affect the dynamic range and color of your photograph.

Learning which ISO to use in a given situation will take some experimentation, simply in general, you should use the everyman ISO setting you can get abroad with. The more light you lot have to work with, the lower your ISO setting can exist. Using a tripod will permit you to use a lower ISO setting when shooting in depression calorie-free. Here are some full general guidelines for ISO settings in different situations.

  • 100 - 200 ISO: for sunny days
  • 300 - 500 ISO: for cloudy days or indoor shots with bright window calorie-free
  • 600-1,000 ISO: for indoor shots with natural light or evening shots with low light
  • 1,000 + ISO: for handheld indoor shots in depression lite and shots taken subsequently sunset without a tripod.

How to set up ISO on a camera

The steps you demand to take to change the ISO sensitivity varies depending on your camera. You can't alter ISO settings in automatic manner or any of the preset scene modes, so the first thing you lot will have to do is to alter your camera over to transmission, aperture priority, shutter priority, or program style. Some DSLR cameras will have a dedicated ISO push button or wheel. If your camera doesn't, yous will have to modify the ISO setting in your card or quick bill of fare.

Shutter speed: How long your shutter stays open

The longer your shutter is open, the more lite you will let into your camera's sensor. Changing your shutter speed is very useful for freezing activeness, creating mistiness, and shooting at dark. Permit's take a wait at how shutter speed can affect your photos.

What is shutter speed?

Shutter speed is basically how long your shutter is open up when you lot click the shutter button. It's measured in seconds and fractions of seconds. The larger the denominator, the faster your shutter. Most DSLRs tin shoot upward to 1/4000 of a 2nd. When you're working with very tedious shutter speeds, they will exist measured in seconds and look like a number with a " afterward it. Shooting with a shutter speed greater than about 1/30 of a second will require using a tripod or setting your camera on a sturdy surface to avoid camera shake.

How do I cull shutter speed?

The shutter speed y'all cull will depend on the effect you're hoping to achieve and the amount of motility you're capturing. The longer your shutter is open, the more probable your camera is to shake and mistiness your photo.

  • For capturing everyday scenes such every bit landscapes, portraits, and architecture, you'll probably utilise one/60 of a second or faster.
  • If you're shooting a sporting event or a street scene with lots of movement, you'll desire to increase your shutter speed to freeze the activity. Faster shutter speeds will permit less light to hit your camera's sensor, which means you may demand to adjust to a higher ISO then that your photos aren't underexposed.
  • Slower shutter speed is great for capturing move, too — but in a dissimilar way, turning it into beautifully blurred scenes. Those silky-shine waterfall shots that beautify catalogs and greeting cards? They were probably shot with a 1/10 or slower to blur the water.
  • Slow shutter speeds are as well great for night shots when you want to permit in as much low-cal every bit possible, so that your scenes are properly exposed. Most night shots using a tiresome shutter speed crave a tripod to produce a crisp image.
Photo of the city at night, shot at slow shutter speed
Shot at ho-hum shutter speed

How to change shutter speed

Most DSLR cameras have a dedicated bicycle for changing shutter speed, assuasive you lot to adjust it on the wing. However, that setting is bachelor only in transmission and shutter priority modes. In shutter priority mode, when you suit the shutter speed, your camera automatically adjusts the aperture, which is the next camera setting we'll be covering.

Discontinuity: How big the opening in the lense is

Of the three basic camera settings mentioned here, aperture is the least understood. Learning to utilise aperture correctly when taking photos will allow yous a lot of creative control over your images. Adjusting aperture will enable you to create beautiful bokeh and blurred backgrounds, adding depth to your photos.

What is aperture on a photographic camera?

Like shutter speed, aperture focuses on how much light hits your camera'due south sensor. But while shutter speed refers to how long your shutter stays open, aperture refers to the size of the opening in your camera's lens. When you press the shutter button, a hole in your camera'south lens opens upwards and allows the lens to capture the scene. A smaller hole volition allow less light into your camera, and a larger hole volition allow more. Aperture settings are measured in f-stops, and on nearly DSLR cameras they range from f-one.four to f-29.

Ready for the tricky part? Setting your camera to a lower f-finish means that information technology'south gear up to a higher aperture and larger opening. Setting your camera to a higher f-stop decreases the aperture and the opening. The lower the f-stop number, the more than light will hit your camera's sensor.

Using discontinuity to modify your depth of field

Depth of field is the share of your shot that is in focus in your frame, from front end to back. A large depth of field volition keep most of your photo in focus — foreground, heart footing, and groundwork. A shallow depth of field will permit y'all to selectively focus on your subject, and keep the rest of the frame blurry, or out of focus. You can change your depth of field with the aperture setting. The lower the discontinuity (higher f-finish), the larger the depth of field.

In short, this is how your camera'due south discontinuity setting affects depth of field:

  • College aperture = lower f-finish = larger depth of field (unabridged frame in focus)
  • Lower aperture = higher f-end = more shallow depth of field (blurred background)
A portrait of a woman shot with a low aperture setting
Shot with low aperture

What should my aperture setting exist?

When choosing your discontinuity setting for a given shot, there are two things you should consider. The first is depth of field, mentioned above. If you're shooting a portrait and desire to blur the groundwork, opt for a larger aperture. If you want all of your scene to exist well-baked and articulate, as in a street scene or a mural, opt for a smaller aperture.

The second thing you should consider when choosing aperture is your discipline and the lighting. A larger discontinuity will permit more than light into your photographic camera, which means y'all can shoot at a faster shutter speed. Low aperture settings are useful when combined with a fast shutter speed for capturing action shots. A big discontinuity is as well useful in depression-light situations, because it lets in more than calorie-free to properly expose your shot.


If you set your camera to aperture priority mode, your camera will automatically adjusts the shutter speed equally you lot adjust the aperture, allowing for proper exposure. This is very useful if you're still learning or don't have time to change all of your settings between shots.

How to increase and decrease aperture

Where yous find the discontinuity setting on your camera will depend on its brand and model. Entry-level DSLRs may crave you to agree down a button while turning the shutter-speed bike. College-end DSLRs will have a dedicated cycle for aperture, and so you can quickly change it along with your shutter speed. Check in your camera'south manual to find learn more well-nigh aperture settings on your model.

The exposure triangle settings — ISO, shutter speed, and aperture — are all related. Generally speaking, when you increment 1, you should decrease ane or both of the others to reach a properly exposed shot. Juggling these manual settings on your camera may seem confusing at start, but the more you experiment, the more than confident you'll go.