
Can A Liquid Crystal Display Be Used As A Primitive Camera

Should I apply the camera viewfinder or LCD? More chiefly, in the age of iPhones and touchscreens, is the viewfinder now obsolete? Read on, and you may just discover a need for both.

Manfrotto XPRO Ball Head With Attached Nikon D800 And RRS L Bracket
Manfrotto XPRO Brawl Head With Fastened Nikon D800 And RRS L Bracket

Is the LCD better than the viewfinder or vice versa?

Should I use the camera viewfinder or LCD when capturing an image? Indeed, this debate will no doubt go on into the foreseeable hereafter. At any rate, long before the liquid crystal display (LCD) came into the picture, the viewfinder was the but game in town. Thus, it certainly stands to reason why many seasoned photographers prefer the viewfinder over the LCD. Still, in calorie-free of the miniature camera revolution, one might consider the viewfinder outdated or even obsolete; consequently, many gimmicky photographers announced to favor the LCD. In whatever case, the LCD has inverse the game and offers distinct advantages and new possibilities for photography. Regardless of your current preference, a bit of experimentation may help improve your game.

What deviation does it brand?

Above all, composition is the virtually crucial element in whatsoever photograph. Indeed, everyone enjoys a stunning well-exposed tack abrupt photograph. Of course, the methods used to capture an image play an essential role in the quality of the image. For case, during hand-held photography, using the viewfinder draws the camera closer to the torso offering a lower profile thus providing a better foundation as opposed to extending the camera frontwards to compose an image. Naturally, getting the shot is what counts! Deciding between using the LCD or viewfinder boils down to personal preference.

Should I use the LCD because I wear eyeglasses?

Although wearing eyeglasses can exacerbate the situation, it'south nonetheless possible to use the viewfinder. Nonetheless, whether farsighted or nearsighted, fumbling effectually with eyeglasses can take the fun out of photography. Fortunately, many cameras offer viewfinders with a congenital-in diopter that permits one to compensate for optical shortcomings. In fact, some camera models offering additional diopters for those requiring farther correction. Honestly, while wearing reading spectacles, I practise notice information technology a flake cumbersome to bounce back and forth from the viewfinder to the LCD. I sometimes wear my spectacles tethered around my neck. At any rate, I discover using the viewfinder worth the actress try.

What about composing images depression to the basis?

No incertitude, shooting at ground level tin can brand framing an image extremely hard. Composing a photograph with the viewfinder while lying on wet grass presents an unacceptable challenge for some people. Still, using the LCD does non guarantee the user will remain completely dry, even with a tilting LCD. Plus, not all cameras have an adjustable LCD. Nevertheless, the increasing popularity of the adjustable LCD suggests many people may favor the LCD over the viewfinder. Although I adopt the viewfinder in most situations, the LCD occasionally has its advantages. Regardless of one'south preference, an adjustable LCD has an undeniable ergonomic benefit when shooting at depression levels. On the other hand, for the diehard viewfinder fan, it is possible to retrofit many camera models with an angled viewfinder.

How much of the paradigm will I see in the viewfinder vs. the LCD?

While composing an prototype, a mindful lensman pays careful attention to every detail in the frame, particularly distracting elements near the edges. Unfortunately, excluding high-end cameras, virtually DSLR viewfinders do not offer 100 percent coverage. For example, when using a DSLR with only 95 percent coverage, during post-processing i is likely to detect disregarded articles near the edge of the image. Whereas the articles would have been visible if composed on an LCD. In other words, unlike the LCD, what you come across in the viewfinder isn't necessarily what you lot arrive mail-processing. Equally for myself, this is an outright deal-breaker. Although many camera models offer viewfinders with greater than 95 percent coverage, nothing beats 100 pct. On the other manus, is 5 percent more coverage worth the added expense? Honestly, the deciding factor comes down to personal preference and budget.

What about bright sunlight?

Viewing an epitome on an LCD in brightly illuminated situations may prove difficult indeed. When shooting under extremely bright atmospheric condition, one may detect it incommunicable to actually see the image on the LCD. Although I certainly prefer the viewfinder in brilliant situations, purchasing an LCD hood or shade provides a simple solution. Though an LCD hood will help reduce glare, these devices are beefy and require removal to use of the viewfinder. Honestly, the LCD has its benefits, simply in this case, why add together an additional device if it'due south non necessary.

Which is better for nighttime photography?

I occasionally hear the notion that bright light from an LCD impairs nighttime vision. Of grade, staring at any bright light source will affect one's night vision. Exist that as it may, I would not dominion out using the LCD for night photography. In fact, I frequently employ the LCD at dark for image playback, and I'm however to stumble over my gear from loss of night vision. In any case, both the viewfinder and LCD are beneficial for night photography. Incidentally, while shooting a moonbow at Cumberland Falls State Park virtually Corbin Kentucky, I found the LCD indispensable in reviewing the color span captured in the moonbow. Due to sparse lighting, the human centre has a difficult time discerning the colors of a moonbow, and thus it appears white to the naked center. Nevertheless, during image playback on the LCD, the colors in the moonbow are axiomatic. Encounter the moonbow here.

What camera data is available in the viewfinder vs. the LCD?

Depending on the camera model, the data available in both the viewfinder and LCD will vary. Regardless of the camera information, with today'south technology, most people accept no trouble pointing and shooting a camera with satisfactory results. However, being acquainted with the exposure triangle can open up new possibilities with the potential for dizzying inventiveness. Hence, the ability to discover shutter speed, aperture, ISO, and exposure is paramount. One advantage of the LCD is the ability to view a alive histogram in live view. Indeed, a alive histogram is pretty impressive, merely non available on all cameras. In any instance, I prefer to use the histogram during image playback.

What'due south the divergence in bombardment life when using the LCD?

Now, this is extremely important for those that need to squeeze every ounce of life from a battery. I frequently hike and military camp in primitive areas where electric power is a luxury. That being the case, the divergence in battery life is monumental! An LCD requires far more free energy compared to an optical viewfinder. In fact, the LCD requires 100 percent more energy. Yet, poor battery life is easily mitigated in virtually cases. For instance, deport extra batteries and take advantage of charging opportunities while traveling near power sources or while dining in a restaurant. Also, consider investing in a battery grip.

Does alive view offer amend focusing?

Depending on the type of photography, both the viewfinder and LCD have singled-out advantages. For example, live view employs contrast detection to analyze prototype contrast pixel by pixel, thereby significantly improving focusing accuracy. Furthermore, alive view provides additional focusing points allowing more versatility, especially handy when the camera is mounted on a tripod. Utilizing the LCD, one tin zoom in and precisely focus on a specific particular. Consequently, a mural lensman may favor using the LCD to enhance the focus of still subjects. Yet, the focusing speed is at a snail's step compared to using a viewfinder which employs phase detection for focusing.

For this reason, a sports photographer would likely opt for the benefits of the viewfinder. In fact, considering of its quick and reliable focusing, phase detection yields ameliorate results for fast-moving subjects. Indeed, a sharp image is the benchmark of whatever serious photographer. With this in mind, understanding the fundamentals of phase detection and dissimilarity detection is instrumental.

Should I cover the viewfinder when using the LCD?

Indeed, whether using the LCD or viewfinder to compose an image, covering the viewfinder eyepiece on a DSLR is an excellent thought. In fact, in backlit situations, light can enter through the viewfinder and appear on the image every bit a solar flare. Moreover, light entering through the viewfinder can fool the camera's light meter resulting in an underexposed image. Despite manufacturing attempts to protect against low-cal leakage, even the most expensive cameras can leak calorie-free back to the sensor. In fact, with the mirror in the upwards position, the lite may nonetheless pass through and discover its way to your paradigm, especially during a long exposure. Consequently, and for a adept reason, many manufacturers deploy the use of born eyepiece shutters or external eyepiece covers. Why go out your masterpiece to hazard?

What is an EVF?

A DSLR utilizes a mirror to reverberate an image through the lens and onto the sensor. Obviously, a "mirrorless" camera does not use a mirror to reflect an image to the viewfinder. Instead, a mirrorless camera projects an electronic or "digital" image to the viewfinder. I think an electronic viewfinder (EVF) is much similar an LCD just smaller. As a affair of fact, an EVF is analogous to having a tiny Idiot box screen extremely close to your center. Alternatively, an optical viewfinder (OVF) allows the user to await straight through the lens via the mirror. Nevertheless, both the OVF and EVF provide the user with a practical view; however, the two views are entirely different.

How does the EVF compare to the OVF?

Viewing an image through an EVF is much similar living in the Matrix. The world seen through an EVF is an electronic reproduction of reality. "You've been living in a dream world, Neo." Despite my poor attempt at a little Matrix humour, there is much truth in that argument. Indeed, I would rather view the real globe through an OVF every bit opposed to a replica through an EVF.

Withal, the EVF does have a few advantages. For example, like the LCD, the EVF offers 100 per centum coverage, so what y'all encounter in the viewfinder is what you get in the prototype. Also, the EVF is illuminated and thus benign in low-light situations.

And then, is the EVF better than the OVF?

Despite having a few benefits, none outweigh the advantages of the OVF in my humble stance. Honestly, zero lag time and image clarity lonely provide sufficient reason to opt for the OVF. At any rate, information technology's important to annotation that no ii photographers are alike, and every state of affairs is unique. Every bit a landscape photographer, I truly capeesh the magnificence of nature and embrace any occasion to connect with information technology. Therefore, dissimilar the EVF, the OVF allows me to view a limerick in its true color and natural luminescence. Still, the option resides with each photographer to decide what works for their detail circumstance. In the terminate, information technology's all about having a chiliad experience and possibly heading habitation with a magnificent image!

Concluding thoughts.

Although I do my best to remain objective when writing, I'm sure it'southward apparent that I prefer the viewfinder over the LCD. Despite that being the example, yous may have noticed that I practice both in my photography. Honestly, I doubtable many people do the same. Indeed, I very much savor the connectedness to nature that photography affords. Although an LCD has its benefits, I prefer viewing my field of study through the sharp clarity produced past an optical viewfinder. In brusk, if forced to make up one's mind betwixt i or the other, I choose the OVF. At any rate, these are mere opinions and should be taken with a healthy portion of mutual sense and personal experience. Every bit I always like to say, information technology'south genuinely a matter of personal preference.


  • Better posture resulting in sharper images in hand-held photography.
  • Extended battery life as opposed to the LCD.
  • It provides a natural light box reducing distractions.
  • Zero lag fourth dimension in the display.
  • Faster focusing.
  • No glare on the screen.


  • Easier to compose images at ground level.
  • Displays 100 percentage of the epitome.
  • Selection to zoom in for precision focusing.
  • Easier to utilize with eyeglasses.


See my Portfolio folio or view my Fine Art Gallery at Fine Art America.


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